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GPCA Carabiner PRO.

GPCA Carabiner PRO.

Regular price $49.99 USD
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  • Solid built key carabiner PRO with most-used essential multi-tool
  • Handy box cutter with a riding base makes daily package opening a breeze
  • Both Philips and flat screwdrivers for a quick fix anywhere
  • Bottle opener plus refined Pry edge with more leverage
  • Independent keychain hole – never lose your key
  • Secret capsule  – carry an added flintstone and more
  • GIZMODO “Makes a Ton of Sense.”


What is the material grade and finish for the Aluminum, Steel, and Titanium edition?

We handpicked the most hardworking material for our GPCA Carabiners:
(Al) Aluminum 6061 - Aero-grade, anodized Light-brush finish, commonly used on Apple iPhones.
(Ss) Stainless Steel 420 - Harden, Light-brush finish, commonly used in knife blades and construction projects.
(Ti) Titanium TC4 - Dark Metallic, Satin finish. Excellent biocompatibility and strength-to-weight ratio. Widely used in the aerospace industry and the medical industry.
Titanium Edition multi-tools are made of Titanium which is pretty amazing that we offer all the tool modules in Titanium except the screws and the Philip screwdriver. The multi-tools on the Aluminum Edition are stainless steel with the same quality as the Steel Edition.
Comparing to all models, Steel and Titanium maintain the look very well over a long period of time from daily use and scratches. Aluminum is softer, but some people like the weight and don't mind some minor marks over time.


  • Free shipping for $50+ in USA 
  • 1-2 business day fast shipping

Gizmodo Featured. This versatile keychain basecamp for your EDC is carved from a solid block of fine metal.  Simple practicality and quality craftsmanship go into every one.

KEY Module upgrade available

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GPCA Carabiner

GPCA Carabiner PRO





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  • John

    I have used it a number of times since receiving it and it does take a beating and comes back for more. I would recommend this for your belt clip go to tool for every day use.

  • Ron

    Title says it all, overly built super heavy duty but that’s what’s great about it

  • Brad

    Seems well built, great gift for your outdoorsy friend.